There’s not a chance you will get lost on Richard Harker's Te Kawa West property. As well as having spots around the farm named after places around the world, he also has the paddocks clearly numbered.
"Around 7 years ago I looked at renumbering the paddocks on my farm and tried to find a suitable product, but there was nothing available. That got me to thinking about what would work and what would be the best way to make them."
A chance meeting with someone who worked for a plastics factory in Hamilton set him on the course to developing a suitable numbering system and beginning his own company: Number 46 Ltd (nowdays Gateplates & Signs Ltd).
"I started putting some ideas together – thinking about colour, size, shape, durability etc. After trying several versions and getting feedback he took the best options to create 'Gate Plates'. "I chose yellow and black plates with rounded edges and bold routed numbers for optimum visibility."
They are manufactured using plastic sheet extrusion technology and are made from polypropylene plastic with a UV stabiliser for durability. The plates are a size that can be easily seen on fences, gates and posts from some distance, even in low light. They are impact resistant between -40° and +80° and have NO PAINT OR STICKERS TO WEAR OUT OR DISLODGE. They can be attached to a gate or fence with cable ties or nailed to a post and Mr Harker has found cows aren't interested in them.
"I have them in use on hundreds of farms and the feedback has been 100% positive."
A local fertiliser spreader driver commented that a farm labelled with Gate Plates was the best identified in the Waikato, making his job considerably easier.
"It also means if you have milkers, contractors or subbies come onto the farm they know exactly where to go. There’s also no excuse for getting the wrong paddock when they are clearly marked."
Mr Harker says he has kept the costs reasonable for the plates - with two digit numbers selling for $11.64+GST.
"This means a farm with 30 paddocks can be covered for $349.20+GST." He can also provide signs for the farm or farm machinery. "Often people are looking for caution signs or warning signs for around the farm. These can be custom made for each situation on a property."
Mr Harker says people that have seen the gate plates have been impressed by how simple, practical and effective they are.
"I have just introduced the funny plates signs which make good presents for family and friends, they can be used around the home and in the gardens or up the driveways. Humorous, funny, something to suit everyone and everywhere."
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